Loker Headquarter

Wibowo Prasetyo

LokerHQ Resume


Bachelor of Aquaculture graduate from University Malaysia Sabah (GPA 2.8). Have the ability to cultivate seawater and freshwater fish, produce seawater and freshwater fish seeds, manage activities in hatcheries and ponds. Interested in the field of fish and shrimp cultivation, fish and shrimp seed production. Able to solve problems in fisheries cultivation activities, have basic and advance knowledge in the field of fisheries, have basic knowledge in running a business.

Data Diri:

  • Pendidikan Terakhir: Sarjana
  • Total Pengalaman: Fresh Graduate - 1 Tahun

  • Pengalaman Terakhir:
    Volunteer / Practical

Riwayat Pendidikan:

  • Sarjana Di Universiti Malaysia Sabah
    Jurusan: Aquaculture

Riwayat Pengalaman Kerja:
  • UMS Fish Hatchery Sebagai Staff
    Tahun: 2019 - 2023

Skill Yang Dikuasai:
  • Technical
  • Transportation
  • Technical Skills

Bahasa Yang Dikuasai:
  • Melayu / Malaysian 

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