Loker Headquarter

Soufiane Fiqi

LokerHQ Resume


Computer science graduate with a GPA of 3.65 who has an interest in visual design especially digital product design or UI/UX Design, social media design, branding design, and illustration. In addition to doing design, also has observation and problem-solving skills that have been honed from school both in terms of theory and practice to create eye-catching, quality, and functional designs. My latest experience is designing e-commerce websites by paying attention to the details of target users and stakeholder needs while maintaining aesthetics to attract visitors' eyes. My organizational experience has given me a sense of responsibility to complete tasks on time and adapt in various team conditions.  I would love to play a role in the design and development of innovative products that are useful to the wider community. 

Data Diri:

  • Pendidikan Terakhir: Sarjana
  • Total Pengalaman: Fresh Graduate

  • Pengalaman Terakhir:
    Web Developer (Intern)

Riwayat Pendidikan:

  • Sarjana Di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
    Jurusan: Teknik Informatika

Riwayat Pengalaman Kerja:
  • PT SyiarQurban Sebagai IT Department
    Tahun: 2022 - 2023
  • PT Pritech Indonesia Sebagai IT Department
    Tahun: 2022 - 2022
  • NICT UIN Jakarta Sebagai IT Department
    Tahun: 2021 - 2022

Skill Yang Dikuasai:
  • Javascript
  • Css
  • Ux
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Html5

Bahasa Yang Dikuasai:

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