Loker Headquarter

Rusmanto Rusmanto

LokerHQ Resume


My name is Rusmanto, you can call me Rus I am a Project Manager with 6 years experience in Project Management, Construction Management and Estate Management. 

I'm very excited for a Project Manager, Architect, design n planning and love to lead Project and Resource and also I'm a good speaker for both of internal and external teams.

I am very confidence with my project management skills, technical knowledge, communication skills, negotiation skill, creative and my ability as a problem solver to support my work.

I also proficient in computer software such as Autocad, Sketchup, Ms Office, Ms Project, Photoshop, etc.

Finally I hope we can talk the deepest as long as gives it a chance

Data Diri:

  • Nama: Rusmanto Rusmanto
  • Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki/Perempuan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Nomor HP: 081310118998
  • Tanggal Lahir: May 31, 1989

  • Alamat Lengkap:
    Perum green hill residences Blok A10/5, Jl. Primadana XXIII, RT 001/010, kelurahan jatisari, kecamatan jatiasih, bekasi

  • Pendidikan Terakhir: Sarjana
  • Total Pengalaman: Lebih dari 5 Tahun

  • Pengalaman Terakhir:

Riwayat Pendidikan:

  • Sarjana Di Universitas Diponegoro
    Jurusan: Teknik Arsitektur

Riwayat Pengalaman Kerja:

Skill Yang Dikuasai:
  • Technical
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Presentation
  • Construction
  • Negotiation
  • Architecture
  • Real Estate
  • Autocad
  • Ms Project

Bahasa Yang Dikuasai:

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