
Since 1972, Unibis has implemented 3 gems of its humble business principle: Value, Price and Quality. Through the hands of highly competent individuals equipped with the best of current modern technology, only the carefully selected finest ingredients Mother Nature has to offer make it into its production. This has resulted in a global manufacture of market leading quality products. Unibis continues to reflect on its commitment of Value, Price and Quality” by setting up laboratory facilities and hygiene control to achieve the highest standard of products.

Product research and development center in line with innovations is part of the commitment that is made possible th
rough the continual support of Indonesia loyal consumers during Unibis 35 years of service.

Unibis prioritizes in giving back to the community that has supported them in forms of active participation in making a better environment, a better social community and eventually, a better country.


PT. Universal Indofood Product

PT.UNIVERSAL INDOFOOD PRODUCT Jalan K.L. Yos Sudarso km 7.3 Medan - North Sumatera

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Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Universal Indofood Product

Tugas pertama dari seorang staff produksi adalah mengumpulkan data hasil produksi. Tentu saja staff tidak mengumpulkannya sendiri. melainkan secara

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  1. Memastikan dan menyiapkan barang yang akan ditransfer ke dept produksi sesuai form permintaan dan serah terima barang
  2. Melakukan

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  • Melakukan negosiasi dengan Export Buyer
  • Mencari New Buyer dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan existing buyer
  • Melakukan k

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  1. Menjaga jalannya pelaksanaan peraturan K3 di dalam perusahaan
  2. Mengontrol keadaan lingkungan kerja mulai dari mengecek kondi

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Sales admin adalah profesi yang menangani pengecekan stok, memproses pemesanan, memastikan kebenaran harga jual, dan lain-lain. 

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